
Harvest is expected in early August

Published : 2023-07-21
Harvest is expected in early August

Starting with the white grape varieties, we will then harvest the grapes for our rosés and finally the red grape varieties. But for now, what's going on in our vineyards?

Beginning of "veraison" in the vines

The particularity of grapes is that each grain evolves at its own pace. If you walk near a red grape vineyard between June and July, look closely at the vines. You will see green grains as well as others slightly purple and others almost black on the same bunch of grapes!

All the art of our Artisans Vignerons is then to follow closely its vineyards, to taste regularly and to decide, with the help of the vineyard experts of Rhonéa, what will be the best time to harvest. The balance between alcoholic and phenolic maturity is the key to make the right choice!

But until tippers and tractors will come out to officially launch the 2023 campaign, our winegrowers are spending long hours in their vineyards every day to watch over their evolution. Here are some pictures of grapes in the process of veraison: Carignan and Grenache planted by Julien Brunet’s grandfather in 1930 and showing insolent health! Nice Syrahs in the vines of Gabriel Joly; Cinsault at Jérémy Aubery's estate. 

Transmission to younger generations is a well-established value at Rhonéa since all 3 have taken over or are in the process of taking over the family vineyard. They are inspired by the know-how of their parents and grandparents, while bringing their dynamism and spirit of innovation.

You are winegrower in the Rhone Valley and interested in our "new generation" cooperative model? Contact us by phone at 04 90 12 41 00 or by email at We will be happy to answer your questions.