
1, 2, 3... We are Sustainable Winegrowers!

Published : 2023-02-20
1, 2, 3... We are Sustainable Winegrowers!

Let's go back in time...

2007 : a few Cooperative Wineries - including Cave de Vacqueyras - decide to create the label "Winegrowers in Sustainable Development"

Their aim?

To initiate a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development approach dedicated to the world of wine.  It is built on 37 commitments and incorporates environmental, economis and societal dimensions.
In 2010, the label was renamed "Sustainable Winegrowing", shorter, simpler &  more impactful. 

Rhonéa represents 2.900ha of "sustainable" vineyards in the Rhone Valley

In 2019, when the Wineries of Rasteau and Visan joined Rhonéa - born from the merger of Beaumes-de-Venise & Vacqueyras wineries in 2015 - it was obvious to quickly integrate them into the initiative. 

And now it's done!
Since 2020, despite the Covid crisis which has slowed down numerous activities, our team and winegrowers have worked hard to meet the label's requirements. Because as a Cooperative, the label covers not only the activities of the winery, production, shipping, quality, trade, marketing and administration, but also the vineyards.
At least, more than 80% of our winegrowers must comply with the label. 

After a 3-day evaluation with and Afnor expert, we are now very proud to announce that all wines from our Wineries are certified "Sustainable Winegrowing".
It's a great achievement for our 400 families of Artisans Winegrowers and 130 employees as this label is becoming more and more meaningful to consumers.

It is now the second best known label, behind the Organic label (source: study Sowine 2023)

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